Monday, December 19, 2011

Does anybody watch horror films anymore?

A year ago, I did a college survey about what type of movies people want to see, Comedies ranked the highest, while horror films and romance movies ranked the lowest. none of my friends or family members always p on a horror film, yet they will always agree to a comedy. And yet some comedies are more offensive, insulting, and more violent than horror films. Even monsters ( vampires, frankenstein, and other monsters) in that were once scary in horror films have become a joke, like the twilight series were vampires have become wimps, and the comedy central tv show ugly americans, which makes demons, zombies and other monsters act like everyday people. Many people don't watch horror films because they are no longer scary. Some people have even commented horror films as being boring. Even my English teachers over the years would never discuss good horror literature like bram stroker dracula or any thing by stephen king, because teachers have consider horror literature to be low rate garbage, like reading a trashy romance, you would find at a 99 cent store. Maybe people don't watch horror films anymore because of the poor acting, no plot and cheap effects which are found in alot of horror films. And the only time anybody wants to watch a horror movie is on halloween. Yet movie companies keep advertising horror films just as much a comedies. And alot of those horror films are remake ands sequels. Begging another question of how many times can you resurrect a horror villain before that franchise is dead and people lose interest. Did people just stop watching horror films because they are tired of the crappy sequels? Are american horror films, so bad that people are now watching japanese horrors films? Are horror film merely watched as a nostalgia of the 1960's, 1970's,19 80's and 1990's?


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