Monday, December 19, 2011


In the east, I am in New Hampshire, it finally seems to have arrived. Up until this point we had had very few cases and I thought that maybe we had dodged the bullit. When I heard that the flu vaccine we received is not effective against the strain that is now bringing people down I thought....ohoh. Why it waited so late in the year is a mystery but a 12 year old boy in Machusetts died from the flu last week. He had not receives any flu vaccine this year. In the same broadcast they were urging people to still get their flu shots. I am not sure if they are trying to get rid of the leftovers or whether in some way it can still help you even if you get this years mutant strain. This unfortunate lad had no reported compromising of his immune system. The hand washing, and use of alcohol germ killers, the wipes at the market now to use on cart handles and promptings to sneeze into your sleeve not your hand also must have had a small impact on lessening the spread of creep and crud. I would certainly like to think so. But i also make sure everyone close to me has had a flu can't hurt.


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